Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Syono Shiatsu Neck Massager

This neck massager has a very simple design and let's you easily massage your own neck, without having to become a contortionist to reach around. This massager uses the eastern practice of pressure massaging to help you relax and cope with stress, muscle pain, nausea, anxiety, and depression. Neck pain often results from poor posture, bad sleeping positions, and injuries. By using this massager daily you can break down the injured collagen fibers inside your neck and allow new healthy ones to take their place.

 For anyone who has ever experienced a shiatsu massage you know that it's a firm pressure massage. I liked this massager, it is very firm. It was to hard for my boyfriend, so it depends what kind of massage you like. The only issue I had was that I wished it could do more areas. It's focused on particular part of your neck. It definitely does it's job, it felt great, and was relaxing. It's very very simple to use, and eliminates the need of someone to massage your neck. Overall I was happy with it. If you want to try one out, you can find it on Amazon here.

I received this product for free for my honest review.

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