Wednesday, October 29, 2014

My 2nd Leibster Award Nomination

Hey readers, guess what? I have been nominated for another Leibster Award, Thanks to Joely from Fashion Beyond Forty , who writes a wonderful blog that you should all check out. The Leibster award is a way to recognize great new bloggers with under 200 followers. I'm very happy to be part of it. In case you don't know what this is all about here is what you have to do when you are nominated for a Leibster Award.

  • Write 11 Facts about Yourself
  • Link back to the person who tagged you
  • Come up with 10 questions to ask your nominees
  • Tag 11 other bloggers with under 200 followers
  • Let the person who tagged you know when you answer their questions
  • Have fun with it, and get to know some new people
So here we go .....

My 11 Facts About Myself

  1. I am an artist working with paint, pencil, and found materials, specializing in abstract art.
  2. I grew up in Maine.
  3. I started writing poetry when I was 9 and still do.
  4. I have 6 tattoos.
  5. I love to sing, and I'm a karaoke fanatic.
  6. I'm a natural blonde. lol
  7. I hate styrofoam, with a passion
  8. My new favorite thing is art journaling.
  9. I'm a walking contradiction: chaotic mess/organizing maniac
  10. I love 80's hairbands
  11. I am 100% honest all the time.
My answers to Joely's Questions
  1. What do you love blogging about and why?
I love blogging about makeup and basically anything I can get excited about. I like doing product reviews, and I love getting to try new products.

      2. What are your most challenging blog posts and why?

I think my most challenging blog posts are the ones where I'm not that excited about the product, and while I don't want to make it overly negative for the company's sake, I also will always be honest. So it's a matter of finding the things I like about the product, while still talking about the downfalls.

     3. If you could be the best at any one thing in life, what would it be?

That's a tough one, there are many things I would love to be great at. I might say I would be the best at singing, but I think I would like to be the best at understanding people, communicating my feelings and just treating people right. I think I'm pretty good at it, but I could always be better.

      4. What do you do to relieve stress?

I find for me the best way to relieve stress is to take a long hot bath, with soft music, candles, and a good book.

       5.If you could tip your blog readers off to anything from the prospective of a blogger, what                     would it be?

Hmm..that's a tough one. Maybe I would tip them off to how much work it actually is to be a It takes a lot of time, and dedication.

        6.If you had the ability to gift every one of your blog readers 1 thing, what would you gift them?

Wow, there are so many great answers to this, but I think I would gift them whatever it is that makes each of them happy because everyone is different.

         7.Is blogging always on your mind, or are you able to shut it out and focus on other things?

I am able to focus on other things, however it is always on the back of my mind, thinking of what reviews I need to do, and
         8.Do you ever fall aslep thinking about your next blog post, and organizing your blog in your                 head?

Oh yes, don't we all. Maybe this is why it's hard for me to fall asleep. I try to write it all down before bed as a way of purging it till morning.

         9.What 1 tip would you give yourself as a new blogger if you could go back and start from the               beginning?

This one is easy. My number one tip would be to join blogging groups on facebook. These ladies have given me so much help and insight to blogging, and we all help each other . It has made the experience so much easier, and more fun.

        10.Do you like cheese?

Lol. Yes. I like cheese, love it in fact, and I also love random questions!

        11.What one personality trait do you think ads to you as a blogger and adds to your blog post                   style?

Well I would like to say my sense of humor, although it's easy to lose your personality in your blogging when you are hammered with posts to do, but I try to keep that.

And my nominees are....drum roll......

If I nominated you please answer these questions on your blog post...
  1. What made you start blogging, and what have you learned along the way?
  2. What is your biggest accomplishment?
  3. What are the 3 most important things in your life?
  4. What is the best new product you have tried since starting your blog?
  5. What is your favorite beauty product?
  6. Who is the most inspiring person in your life?
  7. What does your "me time" look like?
  8. What advise would you give to other new bloggers?
  9. What do you think is the most important thing to teach your children?
  10. What makes you special?
  11. What is your favorite guilty pleasure?
That's all. Can't wait to read your answers...and remeber to nominate 11 other bloggers with under 200 followers for the Leibster Award.


  1. Love your answers! All of them! I can absolutely see that amazing personality coming through which is why I nominated you to begin with! You have an amazing blog, but of course you do, you are an amazing person! Thank you for humoring me with responding to your second Leibster award! You didn't have to do it but I am glad that you did. <3

  2. Thats so cool! congrats!! What a great way for readers to get to know you!!
